This publication is issued with the permission of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Minnesota - AF & AM.

News & Events

Summer at good ol' Red Wing No. 8: While we step back from Stated Communications in July and August, we certainly don't step back from the Fraternity.  Look for social opportunities and baseball games and a few Officer Meetings tossed in for good measure.​

September Stated Communication: Don't forget we move back to the second Monday in September.  Make certain you've got the 9th at 7PM on your calendar!

SALSALICIOUS 2024: The Lodge's 12th annual fund & friend raiser was a great success!  Thanks so very much to all our sponsors, our organizing committee, our non-profit participants, and most importantly all the people those non-profits serve.  Well done one and all, and check for more details on our Salsalicious tab.

New MembersThese last months have been great, and we've had new Brothers initiated, raised, and interest continues aplenty.  Make certain to stop by on Stated Meeting nights to welcome all the new faces! 

Be A Freemason:  Do you have questions about our Fraternity, or have an interest in becoming a member?  With thanks to Shriners International and the Northern & Southern Jurisdictions of the Scottish Rite, here's the web-link for you: